Single source solutions

Everything from specification to production and embedded / processing software is done locally without production or development facilities abroad. This provides DOT with the unique capability to avoid supply chain pitfalls and allows us to tailor every aspect of our products exactly to the market needs.

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Data Processing and Presentation

The telematics and sensor data collected by DOT is transmitted to and processed by a collection of software services which have been developed by DOT engineers to be able to process billions of data points each day. The data gets parsed, analysed, and enriched while passing through the DOT backend services and the output datasets are then stored in a high availability data store. This data can then be accessed either by low level access through the DOT Unified API, or via the web application DOT Link 4.0 which provides an intuitive user interface to explore the vast dataset and provide our customers with valuable insights about their assets.

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DOT Analytics Backend

The DOT analytics backend is the CORE through which all data passes, providing interfaces for incoming X-Rayl Solar Pointer or Sensor data, as well as for third party telematics and sensor data. After accepting the data, a complex processing chain is applied to each individual dataset, independently of the incoming data format. This data is enriched by metadata like asset identification, geofences, mileage and much more. The final product is a complex data set containing all relevant information and statistics, which gets stored into the DOT data lake for querying through the DOT Unified API.

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DOT Unified API

The HTTP REST based DOT Unified API machine-to-machine endpoint gives unmatched direct access to all telematics, sensor and administrative data in the DOT analytics backend. From administrative tasks like creating new assets or geofences to querying every aspect of the enormous data pool of telematics and sensor data all functionality available in the DOT Platform is accessible through a single API endpoint. This allows our customers to easily integrate DOT tightly into their internal ERP systems using an industry standard interface for data access and management.

Since securing our customers data is of utmost importance, all functionality of the DOT Unified API is protected by the highest authentication and encryption standards.

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DOT Link 4.0

DOT Link 4.0 is the new Web Front End for our individual users, which builds on top of the features of the DOT Unified API. It gives our users easy and comprehensive access to their fleet analytics, as well as telematics and sensor data that they have come to expect, while providing improved speed and overall performance.

Track & Trace of assets, administrative tasks like adding new users, assets, groups, geofences or pairings as well as creation of geofences and data sharing have been streamlined to provide a more efficient and thorough way of managing operational data and keeping track of your fleet's current status. The user interface has been overhauled to be more intuitive and provides our customers with a customisable user experience free from unnecessary feature bloat.

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X-Rayl Scanner

X-Rayl Pointers do not require activation as they use renewable energy sources. Once unpacked, the Pointer will automatically be activated and configured. Only the assignment (pairing) to an asset must be made either in the web portal or by using the App.

X-Rayl Scanner is an app for mobile devices to pair an X-Rayl pointer with an asset, an X-Rayl Pointer with an X-Rayl Sensor, or an asset with a tag. Prior to executing any of these actions, user authentication through scanning an authentication code or signing in from within the app is required. All transmissions between the app and the DOT server are encrypted. The X-Rayl Scanner App is available for Android™ 5.0 or later and iOS® Version 11.0 or later in the corresponding store. A link to each of these app stores is found in the settings view in X-Rayl DOT Link Portal.

View the iOS® version

Data Enrichment

When processing telematics and sensor data, the key to generating valuable insights is data enrichment. Thanks to years of experience in the rail and container business, we at DOT are able to create real world value for our customers, through analysis and enrichment of the huge amounts of data collected each day. From high accuracy mileage calculation to geofencing, or assessment of operational efficiency, the benefits derived from analytics save our customers time and money each day.

Data Enrichment turns raw data into useful information. Mileage is calculated from individual positions and thus maintenance is optimised, flat spots on wheelsets are detected from vibrations and derailments are avoided. Exceeded temperature limits lead to alarms and to the protection of life and infrastructure, loading conditions are detected and lead to efficient dispatching.

The right application makes digitalisation useful!

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Mileage calculation

Gain logistical insights and improve maintenance intervals of moving assets.

Rail based assets are susceptible to fluctuations in utilisation leading to large discrepancies in the distance traveled each month. The assets might stay stationary or travel many thousands of kilometers and be exposed to considerable stress. As it stands, the rolling stock with all its components must be maintained at regular intervals, not least for safety reasons.

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Start-Stop recognition

Optimise energy efficiency based on asset movement.

Pointers from the S17 series upwards have an integrated high-precision acceleration sensor that detects any form of movement. With the "start-stop" feature, the transmission frequency can be reduced at standstill to save significant energy. In addition, the Start and Stop events are reported immediately. The reduction of the transmission interval is entered with a configurable factor.

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Specify geographical zones and corresponding notifications.

Geofencing generates an event or alarm when an asset (container, freight car, etc.) enters, exits, or crosses a geographical barrier or zone. The geo-zones can be freely defined, either with an editor in the DOT-Link platform or via the associated DOT Unified API endpoint. Notifications can be configured for each type of geofencing event, to instantly notify users about important events.

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Brake Health Indicator

Deduction of brake states based on mileage and altitude coverage.

The load on freight wagons depends on a variety of factors. A significant factor influencing the wear of the brake system is the meters of height covered. To better estimate this wear and thus optimise maintenance, DOT has developed the X-Rayl DOT-Link Altimeter algorithm, which precisely calculates the meters of altitude covered based on the distance traveled.

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Detection of long idle times

Automatic alarms allow for a decrease in downtimes.

Our customers are able to monitor the standing times of their assets (containers, freight wagons) and to generate automatic alarms if certain maximum times are exceeded. In combination with geofencing and load detection, this feature allows for quick notification only where and when desired and necessary.

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Analysis of wagon turnarounds and times

Ongoing analysis of wagon movements based on predefined locations and routes.

Wagon movements and standstills are the basic indicator of the efficiency of the transport of goods or raw materials. Wagons or containers are rented and usually cost money over time. Wagons or containers that wait too long for filling or emptying indicate potential for improvement. This feature can be used to display sophisticated statistics and tables that can quickly reveal inefficiencies.

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Map matching

Map matching provides additional GIS information beyond the geographical position.

The geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude) are clearly defined but are not necessarily usable in this form immediately. Often, they are subject to inaccuracies. Map matching compares the measured positions with map material and enriches the data sets with additional information such as country or the nearest town. Thanks to Map Matching, you can find out on which track or road segment your assets are located or exactly which route they have traveled.

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Tank carload detection

Load detection and temperature variance analysis for tank cars.

Tank cars are often equipped with temperature sensors. If this is the case, loading and unloading can be detected by a sophisticated algorithm which compares the temperature behavior with stored empirical values and thus allows an accurate estimation of the loading condition. If only the loading condition and not the exact weighing is required, this performance feature renders more complex systems, which detect the filling level via immersion rods or similar, obsolete.

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Load monitoring

Exact information on the load state of a railcar.

By deploying an X-Rayl Sensor S3DST on a railcar, the distance between the wagons superstructure and the wheel set can be measured with a precision of millimeters. From the measured data, it is possible to determine when the wagon is being loaded or unloaded, as well as provide a rough estimate on the loading level including overload detection.

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Overload detection

Avoid overloading assets to prevent damage and improve safety.

By capturing the data of an X-Rayl Sensor S3DST on a railcar not only the loading state (see "Load monitoring") can be detected, but also a potential overload, which potentially leads to damage on the railcar.

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Container/tank heating analysis

Automatically track heating processes and simplify billing.

For some substances, transported by containers and railcars, the temperature must be within specified limits. Tank-containers might require heating to achieve this. The heating process is done by the means of a pipe which runs through the tank-container, guiding hot water or steam. Since this process involves costs and is also invoiced, it is advantageous to record the exact start, the temperature of the heating medium and the end of the heating process.

Statistics and Reports

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Improve logistical overview and simplify compliance with regulations.

Different regulations require e.g. the registration of the driven kilometers on country level i.e. how many kilometers the car has driven in Germany or Hungary, how many of them were loaded or unloaded. In order to do this, not only the route has to be recorded exactly, much more a marking has to be made at each border crossing to enable geo-statistics.

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Analysis of asset usage rate

Determine and optmise asset utilisation.

A depot is a special geofence with which the rate of use can be calculated. If an asset is located within the depot, it is considered unused, for example. If it is located outside, it is considered to be used. With this feature, statistics on the usage can be easily stored for each asset.

Asset Condition Monitoring

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Advanced shock detection

Simultaneous, configurable acquisition of accelerations with customisable filter settings.

The X-Rayl pointers as well as the X-Rayl Sensor S3ACC-D include three high-precision 3-axis accelerometers, featuring a wide array of detection ranges. All sensors have been specifically chosen to cover different shock detection scenarios, that can be expected in the railway environment, from measuring small changes in the mg range as well as shocks up to 200g with a high resolution.

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Derailment and theft detection

Timely notifications in the case of excessive change in asset orientation.

X-Rayl Pointers have acceleration sensors that detect the precise orientation of the asset they are mounted to. In the event of a derailment, the orientation of the asset changes significantly, which makes early alarming possible. Dismounting the X-Rayl pointer from the asset also leads to an alarm (theft detection).

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Wagon Health Indicator

Determine the state of a wagon, considering a multitude of factors.

Since rail assets are subject to very diverse conditions and usage patterns, it is difficult to ascertain whether a railcar is in need to extra maintenance. The traveled mileage alone does not provide a comprehensive picture of a car's state since the percentage of loaded/unloaded travel, track conditions and various other parameters can influence the state of an asset. X-Rayl Pointers regularly measure vibrations patterns occurring on the asset, to determine the current “health state” of an asset.

DOT has developed an algorithm to detect changes in such patterns, which are caused by damage to the wheel sets, bogies or the superstructure.

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Brake Health Indicator

Reduce maintenance, improve safety and prevent interruptions of logistical flows.

The timely maintenance of a railcars brake system is an important factor in keeping the cars operational and working at optimal utilisation, since unplanned maintenance can lead to severe interruptions in logistics flows. To monitor the utilisation of the brake system DOT has developed an algorithm that analyses the data generated by an X-Rayl Sensor S3PRS-D installed in the brake air conduct of a rail asset. Every time the brake is applied the pressure in this air conduct rises accordingly, a stronger brake activation leads to a higher pressure, than when braking lightly.

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Advanced event handling

Configurable thresholds and relay protocols for alarms.

Via the DOT-Link web portal, events (geofence, door openings, etc.) can be linked by default to SMS or e-mail addresses, which will receive alerts when an event occurs. The Advanced Event Handling feature is necessary if, for example, thresholds such as temperature limits are to be set that require a threshold value to be transmitted to a sensor. This is typically the case when a temperature sensor of a tank container is to monitor.

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Sub 1GHz preparation

Overcome larger distances of several wagon lengths by means of "Sub 1GHz”.

As of today, it is not yet clearly defined which technology will be used for intra-train communication, i.e. communication between freight wagons and / or the locomotive. The Working Group 4 of the ITSS is currently considering to solve this via the 2.4 GHz interface, in which each telematics device serves as a relay to bridge the length of a train in several hops. The LM-EJ takes this uncertainty into account by providing a dedicated radio transmitter and receiver for sub 1Ghz with a power of 20 dBm. Although an external antenna is required, the sub 1Ghz offers several advantages over the 2.4Ghz spectrum.

Data Sharing

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External Interface Package

Transfer data to third-party systems.

For a long time, the compatibility of telematics applications from different providers was not guaranteed because there was no standardisation of data exchange. Initiated by the dialogue between the members of the Technical Innovation Circle for Rail Freight Transport (TIS) and telematics system providers, the Industry Platform for Telematics and Sensor Technology in Rail Freight Transport (ITSS) was founded, which deals with the standardisation of interfaces in the rail telematics sector. DOT participates in ITSS and can provide telematics data compliant with the ITSS standard.

In addition, the DOT Unified API offers a comprehensive interface to all data not covered by the ITSS standard. Here, both active querying (pull procedure) and setting up notifications of data changes (push procedure) are possible, which enables close integration into internal processes.

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Configurable Data Sharing

Enabling the sharing of asset data via API or DOT-Link.

When renting out assets to customers it is of utmost importance that only the asset data of the agreed rental period shall be available to the customer. The DOT Unified API and DOT Link allow asset owners to share asset data with a fine granularity of permissions and automatic limitation of share time frames according to certain criteria. Since the administration of the data shares can be done entirely done via the DOT Unified API, coupling the shares to internal contract data can be achieved with relative ease. This way no duplicate effort has to be made to manage data across internal systems and the DOT platform.

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Dynamic user management

Provides user management functionality via API or DOT-Link.

Whether it's creating a new user or changing a password, the powerful toolkit provided by the DOT Unified API and DOT-Link account administration, makes it easy. User accounts active for your organisation can be administered fully through the provided interfaces and coupled to internal systems. This allows to, for example, automatically deactivate user accounts of people leaving a company or work group and provides full transparency of all active accounts and user actions.

All Use Cases

Load Status

The Load Status solution measures the loading state of a railcar using external sensor values such as the pressure level of the weighing valve, distance to an axle, or temperature of a tank. This approach provides a way to more effectively utilise the railcar's loading capacity while reliably preventing damage from overloading.

Load Assistant

The Load Assistant solution helps to load as close as possible to the limit but not to overload and helps to detect asymmetric loading. Loading can be monitored using S3DSP and a Flasher can visually alert if the wagon is not loaded correctly.

Asset Health Index

The Asset Health Index solution offers the possibility to estimate the current asset health, based on Pointer and Sensor measurements (e.g. vibration data).

Drive State

The Drive State solution offers the possibility to determine the current Movement State of a wagon based on internal sensor values of the Pointer.

King Safe

The King Safe solution offers the possibility to monitor the state of the King Pin of up to two trailer hitch states to avoid shifting.

Temperature Monitor

The Temperature Monitor solution offers the possibility of monitoring the temperature curve of a S3TMP-D sensor and generating alerts if the temperature is above/below the defined limits or rises/falls faster than expected. This makes it possible, for example, to analyse the heating of containers/tanks.

Adaptive Shock

The Adaptive Shock solution makes it possible to analyse and classify shock events to which an asset is exposed.

Hand Brake Watcher

The Hand Brake Watcher solution makes it possible to monitor the state of the hand brake based on the values of a S3ATT-D sensor. Furthermore, it is possible to generate an alert if the wagon starts moving with a locked hand brake.

G-P Status

The G-P Status solution monitors the state of the G-P lever position based on the values of an S3ATT-D.

Train Composition Detection

The Train Composition Detection solution detects when wagons stay on the same course for relevant periods of time, and marks them as a unique train name. This provides easier fleet management and correlated sets of data.

Brake Watcher

The Brake Watcher solution monitors the pressure in the brake system using an S3PRS-D sensor. By combining this data with the speed of the asset at a high temporal resolution, this solution obtains a reliable and reproducible indicator of brake pad wear.

Coil Care

The Coil Care solution monitors the impacts on the Coils, whether through rough handling during the loading process or during shunting , as well as the humidity and dew point of the cargo.

Tilt Detection

The Tilt Detection solution recognises the exact alignment of the system and enables an early alarm in the event of a derailment.

Mileage Calculator

The Mileage Calculator solution makes it possible to record the mileage of an asset with an accuracy of over 98% using a tested and verified algorithm.

Pay per Use

The Pay per Use solution classifies a railcar as used or unused per day, determined by user defined thresholds of mileage or load. This data can be used to create reports on fleet utilization or support the sales team in daily billing processes.


The Geofencing solution features spatial restrictions of railcars with the use of zones of any shape or size. These geofences are then connected with various conditions which can, for example, define the time within a zone or the crossing of a zone.

Lateral Motion Monitor

The Lateral Motion Monitor solution measures the lateral acceleration of a wagon during track transitions. This data is crucial for analyzing and optimizing the wagon's response to track shifts.

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